Good Morning Beautiful Dreamers!
How are we feeling? ... GOOD Yes? First, off I want to say.. I miss YOU!!
It's been sooo long since I've last blogged. Life is such a journey, from the time away I've spent, I have been going to evening business classes, where I've later met some wonderful, like minded dreamers who both inspired me and later became really good friends. Also, balancing both work & school and personal was such a challenge.
Right now, I'm working on some new projects, one of them happen to be the launch of my business Nรคtz Essentials YaYY!! And secondly a business opportunity called 'Wake Up Now'. I know your probably wondering if it is a SCAM. Hmm? ..
Before, I get into that, I want to re-wind a few months on my life before I've got signed up.
Now, before I even knew of an opportunity such as that, I was struggling with my finances. I've just spent my LAST into the business, I mean ' things was looking Reallllllllll BROWN'. Not to mention bills to pay, spending $100 on groceries only would give you about 2 bags the MOST, and to tell the truth you can't tell where The 'Bajan Dolla Gine' tomorrow! I'm sure by now you could probably relate to some of my frustrations. The least I could do was Pray for a Miracle to happen.
And, all of this was happening for a good few months, by the way.. Phew! So much to digest. Nevertheless, one thing I've learnt throughout my journey was to Never give up! Where there is will, There is a way! My life partner would Always preached to me. I thank God everyday for him, Sometimes.. Some days.. I wonder how did I got so blessed?
And truthfully focusing on what I am grateful for, the things, I already have, helped me ALOT, to focus on the positives and not the things that irritate or worried me.It was truly a Blessing! And that really encouraged me to hold stead fast!

As days passed by, still hoping and praying for some kind of breakthrough, I've decided to do the unthinkable, after watching this movie recommended by one of my facebook fans "The Secret" it Completely Blew my MIND!!!! Which was later featured on the Oprah Show!!
Imagine, All This Time! I have been Attracting this hardship to myself by the negative thoughts about money, feeling bad for having to pay out bills & hoping for some Magical change on wealth to happen, when All Of This Time! I was the One that Needed to Change my thoughts into Happy, Prosperous Thinking!! It was only then and there, the quote by Mahatma Gandihi "Be the change you wish to see in the world" ALL MAKES SENSE! So, the next day I went in Cave Shepherd and browsed around for the Secret book to the movie, and to my humble Surprise!! The shelves were literally -_- CLEANED OFF!!!! The only single book that remained in the collection was "The Magic" I did NOT hesitate to pick it up! Plus the price was in my budget just in the thirty something bracket ($31.99).
So, as curious I as was, I've decided to take up the 28 Day Challenge of changing my life! And marked (Dec 1st 2012) as Day one, reading each chapter daily, more and more I've realized the things that I have been suddenly attracting. In this book they will teach you the Universal laws of " The Law Of Attraction" within the first 5 days, I've Attracted Job Opportunities! I've met New Amazing people! And most importantly my level of Gratitude was increasing for the simpler things in life! Such as, the gift of breathing, the birds in the sky, the Amazing wonders of a New Reality called "STORY OF MY NEW AMAZING LIFE" I was beginning to Live Life on an Unbelievable scale of Magic!! I was asked & told What have me so happy? Am I pregnant? Your skin is glowing! Who's the New man? Where do I work? What do you do? When I would go into town, I would Attract FREE stuff from the vendors, Discounts from my favorite stores! Who doesn't like Free stuff & Discounts? LOL I DO! And that was only 5 days in the making! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Available for as Low as $10.07 on the website provided below!
The chapter 5: (SNEAK PEEK) Magic Money, Sit down and take a few minutes to think back through your childhood before you had any or much money. As you recall each memory where money was paid for you, say and feel the magic words, thank you, with all your heart for each instance.
Did you always have food to eat? Did you live in a home? Did you receive an education over many years?
How did you travel to school each day? Did you have schoolbooks, school lunches, and all the things you needed for school?
All of these things cost money, and you received them all- at no charge! As you travel back through memories of your childhood and youth, you'll realize how many things you received that equate to hard-earned money.
Be grateful for every single instance and memory, because when you can feel sincere gratitude for the money you've received in the past, your money will magically increase in the future! It is guarantee by Universal law.
"Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty." - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HYMNAL
Take a dollar bill or other small bill and write on a sticker that you place on the bill in big bold letters:
Take your Magic Dollar Bill with you today, and at least once in the morning and once in the afternoon, or as many times as you want, take it out and hold the Magic Dollar Bill in your hands. Read your written words and be truly grateful for the abundance of money you've been given.
After today, put your Magic Dollar Bill somewhere you will see it every day to remind you to continue to be grateful for the abundance of money you have been given in your life.
I LOVeeeeee this book! I recommend Any one who is seriously looking for change in their lives to invest in this book! Attract all the Positive, Happy People and circumstances with just something you Already have inside you "Gratitude" and the best thing is.. it's FREE!!! Could you imagine How much money we would have to pay to Rent the feeling of being grateful? .., Whether if it's Make more money! loose weight! Land your Dream job! Build meaningful relationships, enriched your health & wealth? What ever you want!
♥♥♥♥♥♥ Gratitude is the open door to Abundance! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
So what are you waiting for? Today, is Beautiful and is filled with many Golden Opportunities. Don't be afraid to take one!
And the journey begins..
Share your experience! Share this post to anyone who may like this! Thank you!!
-N.Roachford ♥