Monday, 10 September 2012

Stretch marks? Where? .. If you can't beat them, blend them! Pt.2

Stretch marks? Where? .. If you can't beat them, blend them!
Part 2

Normally, methods for removing stretch marks are not very effective. Complete removal of the dark, black stretch marks is "impossible" unless you opt for surgical procedures such as tummy tucks and laser cosmetic treatments. That's what they all said.

About cosmetic treatments

1. Laser treatment is a concentrated beam of light with electromagnetic radiation. They have their intensity levels modulated. High intensity lasers can drill holes inside thick steel. Lasers are typically monochromatic, with red being used for therapy. Fortunately, for laser therapy, the intensity is dialed down to provide people healing properties that lead to pain relief.


Laser therapy

Cell Reaction
The low level laser therapy works because of how cells react to it. Lasers are fired between 5 and 500 milliwatts;most surgical applications utilize 300 milliwatts of power. When lasers are applied to cells, it is called photobiostimulation.

Photobiostimulation - The light stimulates the cells to liberate energy from chemical bonds there by accelerating the body's natural healing process.

This effect on the tissue is called " photobiostimulation" , meaning a chain of chemical reactions triggered by exposure to light.

Photobiostimulation also initiates some cell fuctions to promote healing. Collagen production,enzyme production and cell growth increase. With the collagen level increases, damaged skin cells becomes less prevalent scar tissue from forming.

About Chemical peel
A chemical peel is a body treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and eventually peel off. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled that the old skin. Thus, the term "chemical peels" is derived. 

Chemical peel Treatment

Learn (5) types of chemical peels:

Caution: Complications of chemical peels
The deeper the peels the more complications that can arise. Chemical peels are risky and need to be administered by certified dermatologists. The possible complications include prolong erythema, pigmentary changes, milia (white heads) skin atrophy and textual changes.

Regardless, of the wonderful results of cosmetic treatments. I personally knew I wanted to seek a more "natural" approach without the harmful complications that may occur in the future . I believe it is good to do your very own personal research before diving into something you have no idea about. For, those who are willing to try cosmetic treatments, do so at your own risk.
Stay tune for part 3

Thanks for reading guys!



Sunday, 9 September 2012

Stretch marks? Where? If you can't beat them, blend them!

Stretch marks? Where? .. If you can't beat them, blend them!
Part 1

Throughout my whole life, I've had stretch marks. Not the regular ones, the dark ugly ones, that just stare in your face. I was asked multiply times if I was pregnant or had just given birth. To add insult to injury I've had alot of cellulite most at the back of my legs.

At that given period, I knew I wanted a proven solution to my problems. I started researching about what are stretch marks and found out that they were just streaking lines of scars tearing the surface of the top layers (dermis) of the skin. When enough elasticity isn't present in the skin to support.

Stretch marks usually occurs during pregnancy, puberty,weigh gain or muscle gain etc. 

The below picture is not me.

I've tried alot of the commercial products but nothing seemed to work. Luckily, I stumbled on a video on youtube about raw shea butter and its benefits. Which sparked a serious curiosity to try this product. 

About Shea Butter
Shea butter is a solid slightly yellowish or ivory colored fat extracted from the Karite nut trees. Also known as Mangifolia that in the semi-arid Savannah regions of West and Central Africa. Shea

butter is sometimes called "women's gold" because extracting the butter from the nuts gives employment and income to hundreds of thousands of rural African village women. 

Making the Shea Butter
found on:
Found on:

Found on: 
packaging the product, handmade with care!

It's rich source of fatty acids is very crucial to rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin. Shea butter 100% natural and non-toxic is beneficial that it is used in foods preparation in Africa as well as in beauty products internationally.

Found on:

African healers and famous beauties have known about the Shea butter for the thousands of years.The Therapeutic substance is almost magical in its healing effects on burns, also used as a hair conditioner, skin conditions, stretch marks, dryness, for troubled aging skin & more!

Containing beneficial vegetable fats that promoting cell regeneration and circulation for arthritis while containing a well natural balance of sunscreen protectant, due to its rich content of vitamins E& F.

Solange Knowles

Thanks for reading guys! 

